Property Page Enhancements: Average Prompt Tokens & Sorting
March 4, 2025
We’ve enhanced the Properties pages with new metrics and improved user experience:
- Average Prompt Tokens: Added average prompt tokens metrics to property tables, providing deeper insights into token usage patterns.
- Backend Sorting: Implemented server-side sorting for property data, enabling efficient sorting of large datasets by any column.
- Improved Loading Experience: Replaced generic loading animations with skeleton UI components that match the structure of the loaded content.
- Responsive Skeletons: Added custom skeleton loaders for property tables, metrics cards, and pie charts that adapt to both light and dark modes.
These enhancements make it easier to analyze property data by providing more metrics and a smoother, more responsive user interface. The skeleton loading states significantly reduce the perception of loading time and prevent jarring layout shifts when data loads.
The backend sorting implementation ensures that sorting large datasets is efficient and performant, as the sorting happens at the database level rather than in the browser.